viernes, 11 de junio de 2010

the topic required

today the Mexican National Team had their fist soccer game in the World Cup, taking part against the host team.
In the school, i saw the game in the lab of my career, was ther all my classmates and some teachers, we eat pizza and potato fries... was very fun!!

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2010

i go to mazatlaaan this weekend!!

a doctor said me that i'm tired and under too much stress... and i took his words very seriously, hey! my health is the most important!! because that i have to go to the beach for relax!!!

see you the monday or the tuesday!

i'm afraid

humm... no really.... or ...I have to???
this term i have to know the most famous Teacher in the UNIPOLI, obviously i'm talking about Fidel; who have a really impresive carrer and an interesting biografy...
I don't know what to think... he likes me! i don't know exactly why, i think he knows a lot!! his class is very entertaining, he give us a very practical exemples and he makes Thermodynamics seems to be an easy class. Someone say that is at the begin, but later makes more dificult... i don't know, i decide don't belive everything that i hear about it... i just want to create my own opinion...
haha the picture is just illustrative!!

hello again...

well, we are now in 7th term! my classmates seems to be the same, we only need the Patinator!!
 that is a really bad news, i had to do back to sleep in class... my day is soo large, tooo bored whitout her :(

viernes, 9 de abril de 2010

This is a Social Service!!!!

Mitsubishi Lancer in exellent conditions: FOR SALE!!!

or shift for cheaper car whit new tires and a select video games package!!!

The lost room!!!

In my english class, we have been watching the Lost Room Serie, its really interesting!! It's about a hotel room wich didn't exist... and an objects to come from there have a really strange powers...
It a kind of magical, mistic, humm... totaly unreal program, but can keep you interesting....

But.....the final i don't like really much... was a happy ending aaaah! that's not interesting!!!

i want to this term ends....

I'm tired...
I want to this term ends!!!
We have a lot of homework, and proyects...

But, even i really don't like do it.... seems like i don't have to present a final test!!!